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Hotline: 0086- 0577- 62723129 61723168
FAX: 0086 - 577 - 62722769
MSN: lygp2006@hotmail.com
Skype: jxele-china
E_mail: Jinxin@Jxele.com
Wenzhou Jinxin Electric CO.,LTD.? is specialised on supply of industrial enclosures.
We supply total range of enclosures used in electrical, electronic & telecommunication? installations in offices, commercial building,?shopping malls, schools, Banks hotels, hospital, Factories, Food manufacturing plants, Airports, Ports, TV & radio stations, Telecom companies etc.
The Enclosures, we supply? are made of Mild steel, Stainless steel, Polycarbonate, PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride), Aluminium, Fiber Glass etc.
We supply all the enclosures given in this website, ex-stock (subject to prior sales). We can supply many other types of enclosures to your order. Our objective is to supply total enclosure requirement under one roof.
Copyright ? 2010 All rights reserved . By Wenzhou Jinxin Electrical Co.,Ltd (Jinxin)
Tel: +86-577-62723129 61723168???Fax: +86-577-62722769  
苏尼特左旗| 客服| 临沂市| 吉安县| 博乐市| 铜梁县| 达拉特旗| 司法| 雷波县| 青铜峡市| 甘南县| 法库县| 平远县| 湘潭市| 上栗县| 军事| 阿巴嘎旗| 长垣县| 扶沟县| 佛冈县| 玛沁县| 合肥市| 广饶县| 全州县| 财经| 梓潼县| 马山县| 五指山市| 郯城县| 长春市| 信阳市| 余庆县| 城市| 平罗县| 定兴县| 铁岭县| 浙江省| 林西县| 旺苍县| 勃利县| 句容市|